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RBI Papers


April 4, 2022

Finance Ministry sought to Probe RBI for Helping the "White Man"

A trove of official documents obtained by The Reporters’ Collective reveals that a year after the Narendra Modi-led government came to power in 2014, it accused the Reserve Bank of India of setting interest rates high to benefit developed countries and sought a probe into it. This was first among a series of attempts by the government to nibble away RBI’s independence in setting the country’s monetary policy aimed at keeping prices low.

RBI Papers


April 5, 2022

RBI breached inflation target, govt let it evade accountability

The Modi government let Shaktikanta Das-led RBI evade accountability for breaching the inflation target, documents show. The govt gave the central bank a leeway by labelling its own inflation data spurious, ignoring statistics ministry’s objections.

RBI Papers


April 6, 2022

As RBI Helps Cash-Starved Govt Borrow Cheaply, Runaway Inflation Bites

Central banks have begun rolling back pandemic-year interest rates cuts that fueled inflation but the RBI hasn’t. While the RBI claims it needs low rates to spur growth, the central bank is helping the cash-starved government keep its borrowing cost low by not hiking the rates.

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